Get Started


Activity is a single screen that gets stacked one by one. Activities have the following properties and can be accessed using the useActivity() hook if needed.

idstringUnique ID value for each activated activity screen
namestringRegisterd activity name
transitionStateenter-active, enter-done, exit-active, exit-doneTransition state of current activity

Registering an Activity

To actually use an activity, you need to register it with the stackflow() function before using it. An activity is a React component declared with the type ActivityComponentType.

import { ActivityComponentType } from "@stackflow/react";
import { AppScreen } from "@stackflow/plugin-basic-ui";
const MyActivity: ActivityComponentType = () => {
  return (
    <AppScreen appBar={{ title: "My Activity" }}>
      <div>My Activity</div>
export default MyActivity;

ActivityComponentType is compatible with React.ComponentType. Therefore, you can continue to use React.FC, React.Component, etc., as you have been.


Stackflow does not provide a default UI. Instead, it offers basic iOS (cupertino) and Android (android) UIs through the @stackflow/plugin-basic-ui.

If you have declared the activity correctly, register it in the activities field of the stackflow() function as follows.

import { stackflow } from "@stackflow/react";
import { basicRendererPlugin } from "@stackflow/plugin-renderer-basic";
import MyActivity from "./MyActivity";
export const { Stack, useFlow } = stackflow({
  transitionDuration: 350,
  plugins: [
      theme: "cupertino",
  activities: {

Registering initial Activity

Have you successfully registered the activity? However, the <Stack /> component that you initialized earlier might not be rendering anything. This is because you haven't set an initial activity. If you want to load a specific activity initially, add the initialActivity option as follows.

import { stackflow } from "@stackflow/react";
import { basicRendererPlugin } from "@stackflow/plugin-renderer-basic";
import MyActivity from "./MyActivity";
export const { Stack, useFlow } = stackflow({
  transitionDuration: 350,
  plugins: [
      theme: "cupertino",
  activities: {
  initialActivity: () => "MyActivity",

If you have successfully registered the initial activity, you can see the rendered result on the screen.


Have you experienced the auto-completion of the MyActivity value in TypeScript? Stackflow will help improve your development productivity through such auto-completion experiences.

Registering Activity with Parameters

Some activities require specific parameters when used. In such cases, declare the parameter as the activity's Props.

import { ActivityComponentType } from "@stackflow/react";
import { AppScreen } from "@stackflow/plugin-basic-ui";
type ArticleParams = {
  title: string;
const Article: ActivityComponentType<ArticleParams> = ({ params }) => {
  return (
    <AppScreen appBar={{ title: "Article" }}>
export default Article;


import { AppScreen } from "@stackflow/plugin-basic-ui";
type ArticleParams = {
  params: {
    title: string;
const Article: React.FC<ArticleParams> = ({ params: { title } }) => {
  return (
    <AppScreen appBar={{ title: "Article" }}>
export default Article;

Caution - If the required parameters are not passed from the previous screen, a critical error may occur.


Warning - Initial activity must not require parameters.

Have you successfully registered the activity? Now, let's learn how to open the registered activity and navigate between them.